
About Mrs. Fish

My name is Laura Fischer* and I love math.  I hold a valid California teaching credential in mathematics and I have been teaching since 1989. I homeschooled my own sons before returning to the classroom.  I love middle-schoolers and middle school math is my absolute favorite level. 

I don't believe math education in the public schools is working. I wore myself out trying to make changes from inside the system and it was like trying to steer a cruise ship with a plastic spoon as a paddle. 

I'm not the only one frustrated.  If you're interested, here is a great eleven-minute video by Sal Khan, the creator of Khan Academy, that makes so much sense it makes you want to cry that the public school continues to do things in the same way.  John Saxon, the creator of Saxon Math, was nothing short of revolutionary.  My curriculum follows his model of incremental and distributed instruction.  Read more about John Saxon here.

My goal is to provide the very best middle school math instruction for your child.  I have poured my heart and soul into creating the curriculum and the instructional materials and I can't wait to be your child's math teacher.

*Fish swim in the sea and there is a C swimming in Fischer.  Mrs. Fish simply works better in a website name.